Dragon - do I hear chariots?

And we were singing hymns and arias

Do I hear chariots imageI woke up this morning and the first thing that popped into my mind was it's rugby day!  Knowing that I am Welsh none of you will be surprised that I'm excited. Rugby is a way of life here.  It's our culture and the city comes to a standstill when there is a game on.  The streets are empty as we huddle around TVs together in some kind of ritual, our hearts full of pride, passion and song. 

By 8am I was already on my phone bantering with English friends about today's big match. Images have been flying around of dragons, roses, daffodils and chariots. Everyone is full of hope, teasing each other and reminiscing of clashes from the past. It's all part of the fun. Deep down we all know this is a huge game as the group is a difficult one.  We've met twice in a World Cup, and the results are one a piece.  Today will be a little piece of history, and ok, I'll admit I have Stereophonics' on repeat in my head singing As Long As We Beat The English.







Wales Rugby

So whatever the result, I know today is going to be a good day.  Why? Because there is no better atmosphere than a home nation rugby clash and playing England is the big one. Our fellow celts will stand shoulder to shoulder with us, united in support for Wales.  We'll sing our hearts out, don our colours and drink SA and I can guarantee whatever the score that 80 minutes will be emotional.  

Cymru am byth.

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