2nd birthday

We're celebrating two years

2nd birthday

So another year older and what a year it's been! I'm very please to be celebrating Shopafrolic's second birthday today, 1 November. It's been a rollercoaster year but I'd like to think I'm coming out the other side with some hard lessons learnt and a sense of pride. 

In some ways it has been a great year. I continue to receive fantastic feedback from my customers, and have even won the prestiguous WOW Award presented by Jacqueline Gold CBE which I'm very proud of. I have made big improvements on the website, including SSL certification to ensure all transactions are secure, and have continued to enjoy sourcing new stockists and products to share with you.

But it hasn't been without its difficulties, this year has seen a dip in small business trade. Whether it was the impending Brexit vote, changes to the way Twitter runs it's platform, school holidays, or something I've yet to put my finger on, it has certainly been harder to bring in sales this year.  Still, having spoken to other small businesses it appears to be the same story for a lot of us so I've continued to persevere.

Through all this good and the bad I wouldn't have got though the year without the help and support of a key group of small businesses (you know who you are!), who have kept me going through the difficult blips, and cheered with me at my successes.  You are true diamonds so thank you. 

And also thank you to everyone who has invested in me. Receiving a sale or customer feedback on one of those frustrating days is like receiving a letter from the queen. It really does keep me going - so thanks for your purchase and supporting me and this little online shop. 

So with the "thank you"s complete, I'm running a birthday promo this year. Get 20% discount across everything on the website until 6 November as a 2nd birthday celebration.  All you have to do is look out for the codes on my social media sites. It's my way of showing you gratitude so go on treat yourself, or get some Christmas presents sorted early!

Once again, another year on, thank you from the bottom of my Shopafrolic heart.
With best wishes, Martina x

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